Children’s Eye Exams

As summer winds down, it’s the perfect time to start thinking about everything your child needs for a successful school year. Amidst the excitement of new school supplies, fresh notebooks, and updated wardrobes, one essential item often gets overlooked: an eye exam and new glasses.

The Importance of Eye Health for Academic Success

Children’s vision plays a crucial role in their learning and development. According to the American Optometric Association, up to 80% of learning in school is visual. This means that clear vision is essential for activities like reading, writing, and using digital devices. Undiagnosed vision problems can lead to difficulties in the classroom, affecting a child’s ability to learn and thrive.

Signs Your Child Might Need an Eye Exam

  1. Squinting or Closing One Eye: If your child frequently squints or closes one eye to see better, it may indicate a vision problem.
  2. Sitting Too Close to Screens: Sitting too close to the TV or holding a book very close to the face can be a sign of nearsightedness.
  3. Frequent Headaches: Vision problems can cause eye strain, leading to headaches, especially after reading or using a computer.
  4. Difficulty Concentrating: Vision issues can make it hard for children to focus on their schoolwork, leading to decreased academic performance.
  5. Covering One Eye: If your child covers one eye to read or watch TV, it could indicate a problem with eye alignment

Why Now is the Perfect Time for an Eye Exam

Scheduling an eye exam before the school year starts ensures that any vision problems are identified and addressed early. This proactive approach can help prevent learning difficulties and set your child up for a successful year. Plus, with the hustle and bustle of school activities, now is the perfect time to get ahead of any potential issues. Call us at 920-725-1566 or request an appointment from our website.